How to manage the emergency number of residences, old people's homes, housing and HLM.

Emergency number Residence

Emergency number Residents

The emergency number is an essential service to respond 24 hours a day to unforeseen problems of the occupants of a building complex and to respond to all housing security problems (lift, gas, electricity, Access ...).

PLANITEL is used by many institutions to manage the on-call duty for emergency numbers with ease.

Thanks to the automatic call transfer, calls can be transferred during the day to an office receptionist and at night to the mobile phone of the person on duty in a schedule.
At anytime the transfer can be modified in real time by linking to the schedule via the Internet.

Automatic Single Number Transfer

Programming Emergency number

The programming of the transfer of the single emergency number to the person on call will be planned very easily over a long period of time.

A single number may take care of several buildings and therefore several different schedules. The implementation of a voice greeting can then allow the caller to select his residence and possibly the nature of the problem encountered.