Photovoltaic Park on-call number
As for many players in the renewable energy sector (AKUO, BOUYGUES ES, ELICIO, DALKIA ....),
Planitel makes it secure and easy to receive calls from an on-call number on photovoltaic farms.

Maintenance of photovoltaic systems
The requirement for an emergency contact number at photovoltaic parks or solar power plants is an essential measure to ensure the safety, performance and reliability of these solar energy installations.
Photovoltaic parks are often located in remote areas, sometimes difficult to access, and operate continuously to produce clean electricity.
Because of their nature, they are exposed to a variety of risks, such as technical breakdowns, fires, intrusions or extreme weather conditions.

24-hour on-call service for photovoltaic farms
Maintaining and ensuring the safety of a photovoltaic park requires a 24/7 on-call service.
This service enables various stakeholders, such as park managers, local authorities and security services, to quickly report any problems or incidents.
Calls to the photovoltaic hotline are generally rare, but their importance cannot be underestimated. For this reason, a team of technicians must be on call 24 hours a day, at a number clearly indicated in the vicinity of the solar farms.

Simplify photovoltaic on-call management!
Photovoltaic on-call management with Planitel offers a simple, secure solution that can be scaled to suit the number of solar farms installed.
Using advanced telephone scheduling from a web-accessible schedule, all calls are automatically transferred to the scheduled on-call technician, with escalation scenarios possible in the event of non-response from on-call technicians, guaranteeing a rapid response in the event of an emergency.
This solution, which eliminates human error at every change of on-call period, enables on-call team rotations to be planned several weeks in advance. However, everything can be modified in real time via simple Internet access.

Secure your solar system's on-call service!
In addition to the automatic transfer of telephone calls, Planitel offers a number of tools for truly securing your photovoltaic park:
- Email or SMS alert every time you call.
- E-mail or SMS alert for each unanswered call.
- Non-response scenarios with excalade, SMS, messaging.
- On-call alerts.
- Precise tracking of every call on the voltaic on-call line.
Planitel enables emergency calls to be handled efficiently, ensuring peace of mind for park managers and the sustainability of photovoltaic parks.